A year in the life...

The Hobbitt's gloves
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 - The Hobbitt's gloves - Techno-Impressionist Museum - Techno-Impressionism - art - beautiful - photo photography picture - by Tony Karp

The Hobbitt loves to work in the field behind our house. The fences around the property had become overgrown with vines and ivy and other foliage including poison ivy and poison oak. Besides being unsightly, the overgrowth was killing off the small trees near the fences.

Along the way, there have been a number of adventures. We both got hit with poison ivy. In my case, it sidelined me for about a month. Then, while trying out a new polesaw (it's like a little chainsaw on a long pole) we decided to bring down some branches from a pine tree that was crushing a small tree in front of it. All of a sudden, we were surrounded by wild bees who probably had a hive in the pine tree. Well, we got stung a few times, but a mad dash back to the house kept the rest of them at bay.

And these are the Hobbitt's work gloves. After a season of use, they've acquired a personality of their own.

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Copyright 1957-2022 Tony & Marilyn Karp