A year in the life...
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For a while, in the late 1990's, the Guggenheim Museum was on a growth kick, expanding faster than your average supernova, threatening, like Major League Baseball, to have a branch in every big city. They even had a model of a planned museum in lower Manhattan. Like their building in Bilbao, Spain, the new one was to be designed by Frank Gehry, who seems to prototype new buildings by stripping the label off an empty tin can, then beating it with a hammer until it looks like a museum.So I tried to envision what the Techno-Impressionist artists might design as a new branch for the Guggenheim. And this is the result -- a museum in the sky. It certainly solves the real estate issues, since no ground is required. And it certainly is as futuristic as anything designed by Gehry. At this point, our new museum is as real as the Guggenheim's new branch in lower Manhattan. Since the museum is in the sky, it can be moved to new locations, thus replacing the idea of exhibits that travel from museum to museum with museums that travel along with their exhibits.In the image above, the rooms with the exhibits are actually from the uptown branch of the Guggenheim, the one designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (I know you're not supposed to take pictures in the Guggenheim, but the statute of limitations has expired on these.)
Copyright 1957-2022 Tony & Marilyn Karp