A year in the life...

Manzanares story
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 - Manzanares story - Techno-Impressionist Museum - Techno-Impressionism - art - beautiful - photo photography picture - by Tony Karp

This is a detail from a tapestry in the royal castle in Manzanares, north of Madrid. It was really dark, so I shot the original picture in infrared and then used a special process to restore the colors (infrared pictures from this camera are sort of a foggy, overall green). The colors may be off from the original, but his gives them a Picasso-like palette.

One can only speculate about the scene depicted here. The woman in the foreground is the center of attention. She is surrounded by members of the clergy, with a high-ranking member, perhaps a bishop, at the extreme left. To the right, a child, perhaps her son.

I get the feeling that something really bad is about to happen to this lady. It looks like the group around her is there to deliver the bad news. Perhaps she is about to be martyred. Perhaps they are all there to invite her to a holiday dinner with relatives that she despises.

If anyone knows the real story, let me know and I will post it here.

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Copyright 1957-2022 Tony & Marilyn Karp