A year in the life...

Portrait in blue aspect
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 - Portrait in blue aspect - Techno-Impressionist Museum - Techno-Impressionism - art - beautiful - photo photography picture - by Tony Karp

Here we have a portrait done as a tessellation in blue. I like the way that the lines between the little squares are visible in some parts of the picture but not in others.

There are a number of ways of producing this effect. Usually, I try several methods, sometimes combining them.

If you look in your photo editing program, you will see lots of different effects that come with the program for free. These should be enough to give you a starting point. The trick is to try them all so that you can build up a vocabulary of effects to use on your images.

You will find that most of them are unsuitable, but there will always be a few that can give your work a new look and lift it out of the ordinary.

You just have to keep playing.

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Copyright 1957-2022 Tony & Marilyn Karp